About me

I am a designer and creator of unique pieces of hand made jewellery

Active since 2012 when I started my craft in Brazil. I moved to Belgium, Brussels in 2015 and have been awarded a diploma of bijoutier, " chef d`entreprise " at EFP in 2019.

I have been constantly honing my skills learning and applying new techniques and working with a variety of materials (silver and gold of different shades and colours) and stones (natural, semi-precious and precious).

I am responsible for the entire chain of manufacturing of my creations from the idea, through the shaping of materials, choosing and setting stones until the final finishing touches.

Not only I propose you my own creations, that I guarantee each piece is unique and never repeated, but I am available to make your ideas and sketches become tailor made jewellery of the most personal type.

In december 2022 I had the honor to receive the stamp of Certified Artisan of Belgium. Also in december I had the honor of having an article about my work at Paris Match magazine.